Tuesday, March 22, 2005

It must be a common name...

The Student Government has started this year's mockery of democracy with a bang.

A current member of the all-powerful Rules and Election Committee seems to already have some name recognition.
The committee, called RNE by the Union's political powerbrokers, regulates every element of the election down to how many photocopies the candidates can make. For those of you missed the Saga of the Lying Senator last year, the Polytechnic story can be found here: Senator misleads students, faculty. Test your memory skills and see if you can figure out which name shows up in both places. The senate certainly couldn't when they named the person to RNE.

If only such lapses of judgement were more common; imagine, Jeffery Dahmer could be teaching at a culinary arts school somewhere.


Blogger Bernstein said...

New URL - rpi.blogspot.com

9:47 PM  
Blogger Kalrand said...

Members of RNE also arent installed by the Senate, its a combonation of appointments by the GM, RNE Chair, and various other student government bodies. Confirmations are done by the heads of student government, excepting the GM. So any qualms with membership are misplaced when they are directed at the Senate. RNE was designed to be functionally independant of the Senate to prevent the retiring Senate from hijacking the election.

As to the comments, it's never been consittered inappropriate for members of RNE to run for positions while serving on RNE, members of RNE actually have a tendency of following the rules, rather than some of the other candidates.

I also don't think the GM's ex being on RNE is a problem, and the GM didn't attend any of the RNE meetings while in charge of that political party. Both of those criticisms are nonissues.

2:57 PM  

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