Thursday, March 31, 2005

And Now, A Pasta Analogy

This blog is supposed to be a candidate colander. It's supposed to sort the good ones from the bad ones, to keep the races focused on what matters. Those of you who haven't been too absorbed with polishing up your CVs in the senate might have heard there's been a tuition hike that a lot of students can't afford, especially if there's no assurance it won't be the last. The T word, however, has yet to appear on a single poster.

The issue is the issues. Spare me the rest. Please, stop emailing me with "dirt." I don't care about "dirt." I don't care if it's true that someone picks their nose or smokes or drives too fast. It's irrelevant. Of course, don't expect me to be above pointing out acts of exceptional stupidity (public drunkeness), but likewise, don't forward me every email that suggests that a candidate didn't say "God Bless You" when you sneezed.

If you want to see garbage like that on the web, get your own damned blog.


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